My name is Khanyisile Gama, a student at WeThinkCode. Thanks to Digiata for sponsoring my education, with the opportunity Digiata has given me, I can now pursue my dreams and become the best software developer. I am very grateful to be part of the program. I’m learning a lot about my future field of practice. I’m learning about what it takes to become software developer in terms of coding, meeting deadlines, importance of effective communication with your team members most important how to tackle problem solving A challenge that I had to overcome in the programme was being shy. I was always that quiet person during a group project. But people want you to talk. They want to know what I’m thinking and know what my opinion is. So it showed me how to speak to an audience and how to interact with people. My biggest highlight is overcoming the fear of an audience. This opportunity means a lot to me because I just realised this field has a lot of potential and a lot of industries are looking for people like me. I think it’s going to open doors for me. Also, I think I’m going to learn a lot and I will become the person that I want to be because I want to become a full-stack developer. So I want to learn more, maybe to start a company in the future and maybe who knows, I’ll be one of the sponsors of WeThinkCode one day.